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Sunday, October 31, 2004
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Tuesday, October 26, 2004
email dari Rasul...
Walaupun sudah seringkali menerima junkmail atau beraneka spam, namun kali ini aku tidak menganggapnya sebagai email sampah atau orang sedang main-main denganku. Maklum, meski selama ini sering sekali teman-teman yang ‘ngerjain’, tapi kali ini, sekonyol-konyolnya teman-teman sudah pasti tidak ada yang berani mengatasnamakan Rasulullah Saw. Maka dengan hati-hati, kuraih mouse-ku dan ... klik ...
“Salam sejahtera saudaraku, bagaimana khabar imanmu hari ini ... Kebaikan apa yang sudah kau perbuat hari ini, sebanyak apa perbuatan dosamu hari ini ...”
Aku tersentak ... degub didada semakin keras, sedetik kemudian, ritmenya terus meningkat cepat. Kuhela nafas dalam-dalam untuk melegakan rongga dada yang serasa ditohok teramat keras hingga menyesakkan. Tiga pertanyaan awal dari “Rasulullah” itu membuatku menahan nafas sementara otakku berputar mencari dan memilih kata untuk siap-siap me-reply email tersebut. Barisan kalimat “Rasulullah” belum selesai, tapi rasanya terlalu berat untuk melanjutkannya. Antara takut dan penasaran bergelut hingga akhirnya kuputuskan untuk membacanya lagi.
“Cinta seorang ummat kepada Rasulnya, harus tercermin dalam setiap perilakunya. Tidak memilih tempat, waktu dan keadaan. Karena aku, akan selalu mencintai ummatku, tak kenal lelah. Masihkah kau mencintaiku hari ini?”
Air menetes membasahi pipiku, semakin kuteruskan membaca kalimat-kalimatnya, semakin deras air yang keluar dari sudut mataku.
“Pengorbanan seorang ummat terhadap agamanya, jangan pernah berhenti sebelum Allah menghendaki untuk berhenti. Dan kau tahu, kehendak untuk berhenti memberikan pengorbanan itu, biasanya seiring dengan perintah yang diberikan-Nya kepada Izrail untuk menghentikan semua aktifitas manusia. Sampai detik ini, pernahkah kau berkorban untuk Allah?”.
Kusorot ketengah halaman ....
“Sebagai Ayah, aku contohkan kepada ummatku untuk menyayangi anak-anak mereka dengan penuh kasih. Kuajari juga bagaimana mencintai istri-istri tanpa sedikit melukai perasaannya, sehingga kudapati istri-istriku teramat mencintaiku atas nama Allah. Aku tidak pernah merasakan memiliki orangtua seperti kebanyakan ummatku, tapi kepada orang-orang yang lebih tua, aku sangat menghormati, kepada yang muda, aku mencintai mereka. Sudahkah hari ini kau mencium mesra dan membelai lembut anak-anakmu seperti yang kulakukan terhadap Fatimah? Masihkah panggilan sayang dan hangat menghiasi hari-harimu bersama istrimu? Sudahkah juga kau menjadi pemimpin yang baik untuk keluargamu, seperti aku mencontohkannya langsung terhadap keluargaku?.
Satu hentakkan pagedown lagi ...
“Aku telah memberi contoh bagaimana berkasih sayang kepada sesama mukmin, bersikap arif dan bijak namun tegas kepada manusia dari golongan lainnya, termasuk menghormati keberadaan makhluk lain dimuka bumi. Saudaraku ...”
Cukup sudah. Aku tak lagi sanggup meneruskan rentetan kalimatnya hingga habis. Masih tersisa panjang isi email dari Rasulullah, namun baru yang sedikit ini saja, aku merasa tidak kuat. Aku tidak sanggup meneruskan semuanya karena sepertinya Rasulullah sangat tahu semua kesalahan dan kekuranganku, dan jika kulanjutkan hingga habis, yang pasti semuanya tentang aku, tentang semua kesalahan dan dosa-dosaku.
Kuhela nafas panjang berkali-kali, tapi justru semain sesak. Tiba-tiba pandanganku menjadi gelap, entah apa yang terjadi. Sudah tibakah waktuku? Padahal aku belum sempat me-reply email Rasulullah itu untuk memberitahukan kepada beliau bahwa aku tidak akan menjawab semua emailku dengan kata-kata. Karena aku yakin, Rasul lebih senang aku memperbaiki semua kesalahanku hari ini dan hari-hari sebelumnya, dari pada harus bermanis-manis mengumbar kata memikat hati, yang biasanya tak berketerusan dengan amal yang nyata.
Pandanganku kini benar-benar gelap, pekat sampai tak ada lagi yang bisa terlihat. Hingga ... nit... nit... alarm jam tanganku berbunyi. 00.00 WIB. Ah, kulirik komputerku, kosong, kucari-cari email dari Rasulullah di inbox-ku. Tidak ada. Astaghfirullaah, mungkinkah Rasulullah manusia mulia itu mau mengirimi ummatnya yang belum benar-benar mencintainya ini sebuah email? Ternyata aku hanya bermimpi, mungkin mimpi yang berangkat dari kerinduanku akan bertemu Rasul Allah. Tapi aku merasa berdosa telah bermimpi seperti ini. Tinggal kini, kumohon ampunan kepada Allah atas kelancangan mimpiku. Wallahu ‘a’lam bishshowaab (Bayu Gautama)
dipetik dari eramuslim
p/s : dalam kita menduduki peperiksaan di madrasah Ramadhan ini, marilah kita bersama-sama menghayati cerpen ini, mampukah kita ini menjawab persoalan-persoalan itu?...Ramadhan sudah hampir habis waktunya, namun sejauh manakah amalan kita setakat ini jika ini adalah Ramadhan terakhir kita...
sedih juga apabila menghayati cerpen ini, tak sanggup aku fikirkan dosaku yang bertimbun umpama gunung dan pahala yang cukup sedikit umpama butiran pasir...
Ya Allah! Ampunilah daku dan tetapkanlah hatiku ini dalam Islam dan matikanlah aku sebagai seorang muslim...
Monday, October 25, 2004
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Sedar tak sedar, tinggal beberapa hari lagi nak exam dan tak sampai 2 minggu lagi semester 2 akan berakhir dan tinggal kurang daripada sebulan, Ramadhan akan berakhir.....
Sungguh banyak perkara akan berakhir tidak lama lagi dan antara yang paling utama di antara kesemua perkara di atas ialah Ramadhan al-Mubarak. Mampukah kita ini menemui Ramadhan pada tahun depan? Walaupun Ramadhan baru sahaja berusia beberapa hari, kita seharusnya mempertingkatkan ibadat kita dari hari ke hari...yer lah, kita ni bukannya tahu bila ajal kita akan sampai, buatnya ajal kita sampai esok, kan rugi sungguh diri kita ini :(
lihat news hari ini NST
pelajar Malaysia dibunuh dan dibakar bersama-sama dengan keluarganya sekali, apabila maut sudah tiba, tidak akan sesaat ia akan lewat mahupun terawal...I wonder when is our death? We ought to prepare for everything and the most important of all, is the preparation for Hereafter... so, for those who have still their parent and relatives, ask from them their forgiveness before it is too late...
esok, OSCE (Objective Strucutured Clinical Examination) akan bermula dan ia menandakan bahawa gerbang peperiksaan sudah pun dibuka. Kuharap akan dapat melalui kesemua ini dengan kejayaan...
all the best for my friends who are going to sit for OSCE tomorrow...
Thursday, October 14, 2004
the people of the boxes
There were once some people who all saw their lives like empty boxes
They looked around the world collecting up the things they liked
They filled their lives in boxes with the goodies that they gathered
And they all felt in control, content and they all felt all right
They climbed inside their boxes, they settled with their trinkets
They neither looked nor learnt much more and closed their lids up tight
Once they fastened up their boxes they smiled there inside
And they all thought in their darkness that the world was clear and bright
But the world is not a box,
There's no lid, no doors, no cardboard flaps or locks.
And everything in nature from the clouds to the rocks
Is a piece of the puzzle of the purpose of man;
It's the piece of the peace of Islam
Along came a wandering wise man whispering such words of truth,
Who stumbled on these boxes so separate side by side
He knocked upon the first one saying,
"Please come out and feel the day"
An answer came from deep within,
"You're not of us please go away"
He approached the second box and tapped thrice on the lid, saying,
"Peace to you inside, shall I show you a new way?”
Someone peaked out from a crack and said,
"You may just have a point, but it's so comfy in my box, in my box here I will stay."
But the world is not a box,
There's no lid, no doors, no cardboard flaps or locks.
And everything in nature from the clouds to the rocks
Is a piece of the puzzle of the purpose of man;
It's the piece of the peace of Islam
He stood before the final box; a hiding face peaked out to him,
And much to his surprise he said,
"I recognize those eyes"
"I see you and you see me, why not come out and be free?
Faith and flowers wilt and die if they are hidden from the sky."
Coz the world is not a box,
There's no lid, no doors, no cardboard flaps or locks.
And everything in nature from the clouds to the rocks
Is a piece of the puzzle of the purpose of man;
Now centuries lies between all the prophets, you and I,
Civilization are born and die each and every day,
We see good and bad and happy sad,
And made mistake we wished we hadn't made,
In our attempt to try and live up to their way,
But if we hide ourselves away,
Afraid to grow and learn, we might wake up in the flame of ignorant and sad burn,
And we will never be much more than casualties of war,
In a struggle we can't win if we have no faith to begin,
We got to tip the lid and let the sun light again,
Coz the world is not a box,
There's no lid, no doors, no cardboard flaps or locks.
And everything in nature from the clouds to the rocks
Is a piece of the puzzle of the purpose of man;
It's the piece of the peace of Islam
Dawud Wharnsby Ali.
one of my favourite songs...when I contemplated back on those lyrics, it stirred my emotion a bit as I remembered my past that full of sins, It almost described the life of most of us, we used to be of those people who never knew the true teaching of Islam, we never knew which direction to take for us to continue our life here in this temporary world, we used to stay in our comfort zones and never listen to other people opinion and ideas, we hoped that our comfort zone will help us to reach the mercy of the Lord,
Nay! Stay and you will never sees those glory light of truth....
Stay and you will never the see the eternal happiness we sought for,
Let us take the step, let us proceed to the path of truth,
The journey continues....
"Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate now after Thou hast guided us, but grant us mercy from Thine own presence; for Thou art the Grantor of bounties without measure,"
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
another online novel....
ini adalah e-novel yg paling panjang pernah jumpa setakat ini. ok...let me comment on this novel using the malay literature that i learned in IB ;)
This novel is about love. Typical story about love between a man and a woman. There are few protagonist and none what-so-ever antagonist (antagonist ni maksudnya org jahatlah, bukannya antagonist seperti dalam pharmacology tuh...)
Although the story is quite typical and resembling 'mangsa-mangsa keadaan' at Malaysia, the author tried to put some excellent religious concept such as the concept of 'baitul muslim' though both of the main characters already commit somewhat controversial and arguable act...typical plot really and the storyline is initially quite slow but in the end, the readers will be stunned in what happened to the main characters.
Reading through this novel, the author tried to play emotion with the readers and checking the comment from other people, some said that this novel is quite good in those sort of thing. Bringing tears when the event was sad and bringing happiness when the character faced with glory.
Last word from me,
try read it and see whether you are going to be moved by this novel!
Monday, October 11, 2004
my new interest....
now, i better get working out on those an@tomedia, if not...doom await for me...
for the past few days, apart from studying those unresolved lectures, i managed to find times to browse internet and without realising, i developed new interest (is it lucky or unlucky..i don't know...dah lah xm makin dekat, ada masa lagi nak buat kerja lain....).
my new interest is to read online novel or stories which were quite interesting really. i can learn a lot by reading and also improving my vocabulary....
one of the online stories that i have finished read is this, written by the famous Faisal Tehrani.....
gosh, i better study now..time should not be wasted anymore...see you later...
Saturday, October 09, 2004
di antara keperluan dan kehendak insan....
assalamualaikum buat semua...
Dalam kita menjalani kehidupan yang fana ini, kita seharusnya sedar akan suatu konsep penting yang mampu memberi kesan yang besar terhadap diri kita. Ingatlah, bahawa segala apa yang terjadi pada kita sendiri dan pada alam sekeliling adalah kehendak Illahi dan sebahagian daripada sunnatullah.
kita selalu mendengar frasa ini, " manusia hanya mampu merancang, namun Allah jualah yang menentukan". Apa yang terkandung dalam frasa yang pendek ini cukup untuk kita buat bekalan buat masa hadapan. Segala apa yang berlaku terhadap kita adalah apa yang kita perlukan untuk mengharungi kehidupan.
Kita mungkin pernah berdoa untuk mendapat perkara A namun kita akhirnya diberikan perkara B. Mungkin perkara B itu yang kita perlukan dan perkara A itu bukanlah yang kita perlukan. Kita mungkin mengharapkan kesenangan mahupun kekayaan, namun kadang-kala kita diberikan oleh Allah akan kesusahan dan kesempitan. Mungkin kesusahan dan kesempitan yang kita alami dapat menguatkan hati dan iman kita. Mungkin, kesusahan dan kesempitan yang kita alami akan lebih mendekatkan diri kita dengan Allah dan mungkin akhirnya kita akan beroleh kesenangan dan kekayaan hati .
ingatlah, segala apa yang kita hadapi sekarang, adalah ketentuan Illahi. Kita mungkin tidak akan mengetahui hikmah akan setiap kejadian namun sebagai seorang Muslim, kita seharuslah berbaik sangka terhadap ketentuan Illahi.
"...dan boleh jadi kamu benci kepada sesuatu padahal ia baik bagi kamu, dan boleh jadi kamu suka kepada sesuatu padahal ia buruk bagi kamu. Dan (ingatlah), Allah
jualah yang Mengetahui, sedangkan kamu tidak mengetahuinya." 2: 216
kadangkala kita diberikan kejayaan walhal usaha kita tidaklah seberapa. Mungkin, kejayaan itu dapat membantu kita memperoleh hidayah Illahi.
lihat kembali sirah, pernahkah para sahabat pada tiga tahun pertama tahu bahawa apa yang mereka perjuangkan ini akan membentuk sebuah tamadun yang agung? sesungguhnya mereka tidak pernah mimpikan akan hal itu. Pada mereka, sebagai seorang muslim, mereka harus terus berusaha tanpa berputus asa dan hanya Allah jualah yang akan membalasnya sama ada di dunia atau akhirat...
dalam saat-saat hendak menghadapi suasana peperiksaan yang kian dekat ini, sebagai seorang Muslim kita harus berusaha sedaya-upaya dan hanya Allah yang akan menentukan bentuk keputusan yang kita perlukan untuk meneruskan kehidupan ini....
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
medical student guide in cooking....
today, it is my turn to cook for the whole of my housemates , 8 people including myself...
so, after returning from Austin Hospital which was my last hospital visit this year somewhere around 5.45 pm, i rest a bit and took a shower to cool was quite hot (actually today was 24 C but I'm already get used to 7 C)
after rest a little while, i went to the kitchen and start to think what to cook for dinner (hehe, always never planned what to cook)...after a couple of minute full of deep profound contemplation :), i decided to cook 'ayam masak merah' plus 'sayur masak kicap' although there was not a single ketchup left in the house....
being med student, let me teach you how a med student cooks his dinner (bad chef really...)
to begin with, i prepare all the materials...using the martial art skills (wink) that i learned previously at KMB, i cut all the onions, garlic, washed the chicken, washed all the dishes (there was actually quite a lot of dishes today) as fast as possible....i chopped the chicken somewhat like karate chop, i cut the onion and garlic somewhat like fast punching and not forgetting, i also washed the dishes using the aura in the same time....
after all the materials are ready...the war begins...
first, i administer the onion n garlic on the hot cooking oil, then i further administer chili sauce then tomato sauce, salt, sugar etc ...i let all those substances being absorbed in the hot boiling red liquid...absorption is important to ensure the next step in cooking, which is the distribution....good absorption will ensure fair distribution :D
after all the materials been absorbed and distributed quite well in those red-looking liquid, i proceed to the last step in cooking...the elimination step...
i let all those water contained in the red-looking liquid and in the chicken being eliminated as vapour....i let all those sweet smell being eliminated to further enhance the quality of my cooking....
after all the four steps in cooking done, which are the administration, absorption, distribution and elimination, my dinner is halfway done...
anyway, the lesson is done cook, u always need to remember all these four steps....
so, how was my performance in cooking, is it good or bad *wink*....
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
dari puncak Snowdon...
Kucuba genggam salju ini dengan jari-jemariku yang kutanggalkan sarung tanganku. Sejuk sungguh sampai aku terpaksa melepaskan genggamanku semula...
sesungguhnya apabila kita mendalami peranan kita di atas dunia ini, kita akan menjumpai kekurangan dan kelemahan diri dalam melaksanakannya....
sesungguhnya tanggungjawab seorang muslim amatlah banyak namun masa kita di dunia ini sangatlah terhad....
sesungguhnya kita sering terleka, iman sering turun dan naik.....yang pasti, kita tidak akan sekali-kali tahu akan kesudahan diri ini....di antara husnul khatimah dan su'ul khatimah, yang mana satukah akan kita dipilih oleh Tuhan....
sesungguhnya kita sering melaung-laungkan kebenaran, namun sejauh manakah kebenaran itu lekat di hati?
sesungguhnya kita sering memperbaharui ikrar kita setiap kali solat, namun sejauh manakah ikrar itu dilaksanakan.....
Monday, October 04, 2004
first thing on morning, our pbl case was about epilepsy which was not related to any part of abdomen at the end, our learning issue was not the epilepsy but about pharmacology...out of blue and bizarre indeed...
so, the rest of the lectures was all about pharmacology which i found it a bit interesting as it involved math...though it was a bit simple math but at least i can practise math in medic...
in the evening, we had another lect on was quite interesting and challenging too for me to reexplore my mind whether my past knowledge on stat still intact or my surprise, some of it are still there but some are lost already :(
thus, i search high and low on the web for stat lessons and finally found one good website at last...
the month of ramadhan is just around the corner and the final xm is almost near add to my gloomy episode, the predicted Eid Fitr is in between xm....perhaps, i have to celebrate raya here with the xm mood ....
Saturday, October 02, 2004
spring cup...
we are supposed to start at 8 am but as usual, some of us arrived late....we held our tournament at the Princes Park which is one of the biggest park here in Melbourne....there were many people who did turn up for this Spring Cup. we managed to form 10 groups and i guessed there were around 60-70 people who participated in this tournament.
so, eventually, we started on 9am. this tournament is held using league format and each team have to endure through 9 games. the maximum number of each team is 7 with 5 players at any time on the field. it turned out my team only had 5 people and no substitutes.
so, the game begins with my team continuously endure all those tiring games. the tournament is using 7 minutes per half time and only 1 minute break interval. from one match to another match, our team become extremely fatigue as we doesn't have any substitute...thus our performance deterioated....from draw...we become defeated with large margins of goals...
by the end of the day, all of my teammates have all sort of ache not excluding me feet is right now a bit painful to touch due to long hot dry weather on the morning and the afternoon...i'm also a bit tired now...the tournament eventually ends at 5 pm...
back at home, after resting a, i'm back on my study finish all my anatomy stuff before this very Monday...
despite fatigue, life must goes on...time should not be wasted....our responsibility as a Muslim is waiting for us to be fulfilled...