
Thursday, September 30, 2004

wilson promontory national park....

Pada 24 hingga 26 Sept, aku telah mengikuti rombongan ke Wilson Promontory National Park yang kukira merupakan tempat paling selatan di bumi Australia ini. Banyak telah kupelajari dan tatapi daripada perjalanan yang sunguh bermakna ini.

Dengan kekuatan seramai 20 orang, kami telah bertolak dari Melbourne pada pukul 1 pagi 25 september dan tiba di sana setelah mengharungi perjalanan lebih dari 200 km selama 3 jam setengah.

Setibanya di sana, kami berehat sebentar dan seterusnya mengerjakan solat subuh berjemaah di tempat letak kereta di situ. Setelah itu, kami meneruskan aktiviti dengan pembacaan al-Mathurat dalam keadaan cuaca mendung yang sejuk menggigit tulang.

Pada hari itu, aku beserta teman telah menyertai pelbagai aktiviti yang di antaranya paling menarik dan indah ialah perjalanan mengikuti denai di Wilson Promontory ini (jungle trekking). Perjalanan ini mencapai jarak 10 km dan kami bermula di atas sebuah bukit. Langkah demi langkah aku mengharungi denai yang pada mulanya sentiasa mendaki ke arah puncak. Dalam keadaan sedemikian, aku juga diberi sebuah kertas hafalan al-anfal 1-5 yang kukira cukup menarik dan tidak pernah aku lakukan selama ini. Dalam ketika aku menghayati keindahan alam sekeliling, hatiku juga menghayati dan mengingati keagungan ciptaan Tuhan dalam bentuk hafalan kitab-Nya yang agung, Al-Quran.

“Allah yang menjadikan bumi sebagai tempat penempatan untuk kamu, dan langit sebagai bumbung yang kukuh binaannya, dan Dia membentuk kamu lalu memperelokkan rupa kamu, serta dikurniakan kepada kamu dari benda-benda yang baik lagi halal. Yang demikian (kekuasaan-Nya dan kemurahan-Nya) ialah Allah Tuhan kamu; maka nyatalah kelebihan dan kemurahan Allah Tuhan yang memelihara dan mentadbirkan sekelian alam,” 40: 64.

Bukit demi bukit kudaki dan kuturuni dan pelbagai keindahan ciptaan Tuhan sekelian alam dapat kulihat. Setibanya kami di puncak, aku menemui pelbagai bentuk batu yang bertaburan di situ, ada yang besar dan ada yang kecil. Aku lantas pergi ke batu yang paling besar dan paling tinggi sekali. Dari batu ini, aku dapat lihat jauh sayup ke bawah, pohon-pohon hijau yang bertaburan di bawah. Dari batu ini, aku dapat lihat ombak laut yang putih lagi jernih menghempas pepasir pantai yang bersinar dek cahaya sang suria. Dari puncak bukit setinggi 500-600 meter, aku dan rakan-rakan dapat melihat Laut Tasmania dan Lautan Atlantik. Sungguh biru warna lautan dan sungguh nyaman rasanya melihat deburan ombak menghempas pantai. Dari jauh kudapat lihat hampir keseluruhan Wilson Prom ini. Dari batu yang ku berdiri di atasnya, aku dapat menikmati angin yang bertiup sepoi-sepoi bahasa dan dapat kuhirup angin segar lagi nyaman lagi sejuk. Hembusan angin nyaman menghilangkan buat seketika segala kegusaran yang ada di hatiku ini. Dari puncak ini juga dapat kulihat kepelbagaian bentuk pantai yang ada di sini. Ada batuan yang bentuknya seakan-akan lidah dan ada beberapa buah pulau yang bertaburan nun jauh di lautan sana. Kesemua pulau-pulau itu tidak berpenghuni dan hanya hiruk-pikuk burung camar menjadi hiburan kami di puncak ini.
Seterusnya, kami meneruskan perjalanan menuju ke tepian pantai. Langkah demi langkah aku hayunkan dalam menuruni bukit yang kukira cukup tinggi dan setelah hampir sejam mengharungi pelbagai rintangan sepanjang perjalanan ini, akhirnya kami tiba juga di pantai.
Aku kira pantai yang kami temui bukanlah pantai dalam erti kata yang sebenarnya. Tiada pasir yang menyambut ketibaan kami di hujung perjalanan ini. Yang ada hanyalah pelbagai batuan yang cukup besar dan aneh bentuknya. Untuk turun ke bawah, kami perlu menuruni dengan berhati-hati dalam memijak batuan yang basah dihujani deburan ombak putih laut. Yang ada hanyalah ombak laut yang ganas dan gerun bunyinya. Air laut yang biru pekat warnanya memenuhi setiap pelusuk pemandangan kami. Kelihatan di hadapanku, ombak yang menghempas batuan yang kuberdiri di atasnya. Percikan ombak membasahi mukaku. Nyaman rasanya melihat pemandangan ini. Jauh di atasku, kelihatan beberapa ekor burung berlegar-legar mencari ikan nun jauh di dalam lautan. Jauh di hujung lautan, aku dapat melihat gunung-ganang yang bertemu dengan Lautan Atlantik lantas membentuk sebuah tanjung yang besar. Sang suria kelihatan bersembunyi di sebalik awan dan keadaan menjadi semakin mendung.
Aku hirup udara yang bercampur dengan biasan ombak laut. Segar rasanya. Sungguh indah apa yang aku dapat lihat ini. Sesungguhnya Islam itu ialah tunduk patuh pada setiap perintah Allah. Laut, udara, batuan, butir-butir pepasir telah lama menjadi Muslim. Sesungguhnya pada setiap muslim, ada ketenangan yang dapat dinikmati. Alhamdulillah, Allah telah pilih daku untuk menjadi Muslim, moga-moga hidayah ini kekal hingga ke akhir hayat.....
Ada batu yang cukup besar di mana kami dapat berdiri di atasnya sambil melihat puncak bukit yang kami tinggalkan. Batu ini cukup besar dan tajam. Jika kami terjatuh dari batu ini, pelbagai batuan yang kecil dan tajam bakal menyambut kami. Batu ini kuanggarkan setinggi 10-12 meter dan pelbagai gambar kami ambil di situ.
Pada malamnya, setelah selesai membina khemah, kami mendengar tazkirah yang disampaikan oleh salah seorang daripada kami dan selepas itu, melihat persembahan dari setiap kumpulan yang telah pun dibahagikan. Dalam kami mendengar tazkirah, tempat kami berkhemah dari detik ke detik mula diterangi oleh sinar rembulan. Sinar rembulan Syaa’ban menyinari tempat kami berkhemah seolah-olah memperlihatkan keagungan majlis ilmu yang kuhadiri ini. Subhanallah....

Sinaran rembulan yang terang lagi indah mengingatkan aku agar untuk bersyukur atas apa yang dikurniakan Illahi selama ini. Kita sering lupa akan nikmat Illahi sehinggalah nikmat-nikmat itu meninggalkan diri kita ini. Kita lupa untuk menggunakan nikmat mata sebaik-baiknya, sehinggalah kita ditakdirkan buta. Kita lupa untuk menggunakan nikmat masa sehinggalah kita dijemput ke kubur.

“Demi masa! Sesungguhnya manusia itu dalam kerugian, kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh, dan mereka pula berpesan-pesan dengan kebenaran serta berpesan-pesan dengan sabar” 103:1-3

“Wahai Tuhan kami! Janganlah Kau memesongkan hati kami sesudah Engkau beri petunjuk kepada kami, dan kurniakanlah kepada kami limpah rahmat dari sisiMu; sesungguhnya Engkau jualah Tuhan yang melimpah-limpah pemberiannya,” 3:8

Pada keesokan harinya, kami meninggalkan Wilsom Promontory yang banyak meninggalkan kenangan indah lagi manis dalam hati ini. Ia banyak mengingatkan aku akan tanggungjawab seorang daie dalam membangunkan semula akan keagungan Islam yang kini luput dari ingatan penganut-Nya. Biarlah apa orang akan kata, namun aku harus berusaha sedaya-upaya dan tetap teguh dalam perjuangan yang panjang ini. Jika aku tidak dapat melihat akan hasil perjuangan ini, biarlah keturunanku dapat meneruskan perjuangan yang nan suci ini....

Sesungguhnya dalam diri seorang pejuang, hatinya harus bersih daripada segala-gala belenggu dunia yang fana ini dan dirinya harus selalu bermuhasabah agar setiap tindak-tanduknya tetap berlandaskan kerangka wahyu Illahi.

“Wahai orang-orang beriman! Janganlah kamu dilalaikan oleh (urusan) harta benda kamu dan anak-pinak kamu daripada mengingati Allah (dengan menjalankan perintah-Nya)...” 63:9

Wednesday, September 22, 2004


you must be wondering why does the title sound like that..

actually, today, i had been discussing about alcohol-induced liver disease to which i need to know all kinds of, wine, spirit, champagne etc..(yet till now, i still can't diferentiate between all those weird terms)

it was sad indeed to see all those non-muslim people who are willingly indulge in drinking alcohol despite knowing all those harmful effects in the long run...

they know alcohol is bad for their health and not forgetting their family who had to suffer financial burden due to heavy alcohol drinking...

they think alcohol is part of their culture and it is compulsory for you to drink alcohol to be part of the society....

just wish they will wake up from their dream, hope all of those people around the world wake up from their dream...if not, the hellfire is waiting for them and also for those who had not remind them about those fire.....

longing for the world of islam to return...if not in my time, at least my kids or grandkids could continue the battle of truth against worldly-desire and to reestablish the true empire of islam.....

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Islami ya quds

Islami ya qudsu inna lil fida’
Zi yadii in maaddatid-dunya yada
Abadan lan tastakiini abada
Innani arju ma’a yaumi ghada

huwa mai’e qalbi wa ‘azmi lil-jihad
la amiilu la amallu la aliin

laki ya..qudsu salaama wa salaaman ya bilaadii
in rama..baghyus-sihaama
attaqiha bi fuaadi
waslamii fii kulli hin x2
jaanibal aisaaru qalbuhul fu’aad
wa bilaadi hiya bi janbil-yamin

muslimun ana banaani man bana
masjidal aqsal-lazi ayantana
waqfatus-sokhrati fiima bainana
bi wuquufid-dahri waqfati ana

lilkifaahi wal jihadi lil bilad
la amiilu la amallu la alin

wa bi qudsi syarri fil-mustaqbala
wa fidalli qudis lid-dunya falaa
ado’ul islami lillah awwala

a song that remind us of our responsibility to islam....take its meaning to your heart!

Sunday, September 19, 2004

at last..the assignment is over..

alhamdulillah, all praise to Allah that have gave me wisdom and calamity in doing my 30% worth psychological assignment in which i initially found great difficulty in doing it....

to tell the truth, i don't really like psychogy as the psychologist tend to be individualistic and they only think at the individual level and never to think at higher level, such as community, nation or the whole world. As such, all of their works or researches doesn't have strong foundation to be build upon. they always change their statement or theories accordingly and i never found any psychology theories that are able to stand any critism throughout ages. it always the case that the theories currently held today will be changed as new weaknesses are found by future researchers...why is it the psychologist that have spend lots of time researching does not do some researches on the way islam handle individual needs and demands? why don't they do it?..i guess perhaps they doesn't know the true islam yet or perhaps they are too ignorant to the real truth...

to any problem we have in this temporary world, islam is the ONLY solution.
to find the cure for any mental problem, contemplate back on the past history on the way islam solve those kind of problem,
if we always think as an individual, we will never progress to anywhere and we will never make the first step to the eternal world and truth,

أَلَمْ نَشْرَحْ لَكَ صَدْرَك
وَوَضَعْنَا عَنْكَ وِزْرَكَ
الَّذِي أَنْقَضَ ظَهْرَكَ
وَرَفَعْنَا لَكَ ذِكْرَكَ
فَإِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا
إِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا
فَإِذَا فَرَغْتَ فَانْصَبْ
وَإِلَى رَبِّكَ فَارْغَبْ

Have We not expanded thee thy breast?
And removed from thee thy burden
The which did gall thy back?
And raised high the esteem (in which) thou (art held)?
So, verily, with every difficulty, there is relief:
Verily, with every difficulty there is relief.
Therefore, when thou art free (from thine immediate task), still labour hard,
And to thy Lord turn (all) thy attention.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

yay..good news to hear from malaysia

just heard surprising but good news from cousin are going to further his course at Glasgow, Scotland and going to fly this Sunday...a bit sad can't send him at the airport though :(

my cousin had just finished his diploma and are going to pursue his degree in actuary science (did i spell it correctly?) and probably to stay there for about three years...we used to compete in studies previously, PMR and SPM..we always comparing our result in the family..and now to hear him flying to UK was a good news for me..

i just wish in the future i can get the chance to go to UK really...currently, one of my uncle lived at london with his family (and i think he is already a permanent resident), another my cousin is doing her PHD somewhere north of England (for your information, my cousin is quite old already and already had two my father was no 8 in the family, and my cousin's father was no 2 in the family)..and here, another my cousin going to stay there..quite lot of my family member are there already...

Thursday, September 16, 2004

anatomy prac n liver function test

today, i had two in the morning and another in the evening...

the morning prac was about liver function test in which we learned all sort of diagnostic tools in diagnosing liver-related disease...quite interesting although some of it i couldn't understand..(as i have not revised those part yet..hehe)....anyway, one intresting fact i learned that is the damage done by drinking alcohol..

if a person drink alcohol a lot for a couple of years, he will tend to get lots of severe disease of which most of it can lead to death...most affected organ due to alcohol is the liver...if u drink a lot of alcohol, the liver could get enlarged or shrink, but the worst part of it...a few years after that, you will vomit blood and due to high alcohol level in the body, you will bleed to death as the blood will not stop or clotting (even doctor can't help you by that time)!...

even you don't get those signs, in few years time, your liver will not function anymore and you need to have liver another bad news, the doctor would not list the alcholic person on the list of liver transplant at all....what is the benefit of giving fresh liver to someone who in the future going to damage that liver again...there are so many scary facts on alcohol really! :)

then in the eveing, we had another anatomy prac..this time we get the chance to dissect the spleen and the small bowel...i managed to remove the spleen out of our cadaever (90 year old female of which many part of her body already being dissected, pretty scary huh) ..while we are disssecting the cadaever, some one mention about that fat is similar to butter, and the rest after that, all of us talked about food while at the same time dissceting the dead body..this is the culture of medicine, we can talked about food, music, boredom in front of dead people, out of respect actually..hehe...

if u know what have happened to those dead bodies, i bet u are going to feel nausea and amazed.. :D

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

minor accident in hospital...

Today, I pay another visit to Austin Hospital and our objective today is to refine our skills in doing abdominal examination. Since our tutor can only get permission from one patient, all 7 of us crowded around the patient. The patient was an old man who had undergone operation.

So, the tutor taught and corrected our techniques on abdominal examination. While the tutor was showing us the skills and technique, suddenly one of my female colleagues FAINTED. Prior to that, she said that she has donated blood in the morning and then straight away, she became pale and fell flat on the floor. Fortunately, all of us many to grab her from falling down straight to the floor and put her down slowly.

Due to this we get the chance to practice the first aid we learned in the first semester. I straightened her legs while others check the critical step in giving first aid. There are five critical steps in giving first aid. DRABC in which I called Dr. ABC. D stands for danger, R stands for response, A stands for airway, B stands for breathing and C stands for circulation.

Our tutor checked her heart and pulse rate and said that she have low blood perfusion and that may suggest her faintness. Our patient even become intrigued to see med student fainted. Herm, many things I learned today ;) not just abdominal examination but also the chance to practice first aid.

Later, she recovered and we continued our abdominal examination on the patient. For your information, complete abdominal examination include genital examination and PR (per rectum) examination but we will taught on this later as this one is quite intimate indeed. PR is examination of the rectum in which the doctor pokes his/her finger on the rectum to find any abnormalities in the rectum. If u don’t know where the rectum is, hehe, better check it in the dictionaries ;)

Oklah, got to sleep now…the journey continues..

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

after exam...

today, the mid sem xm come to visit me and guess what, i managed to answer some questions and some questions, i just keep shooting (hehe, guess lot to improve huh)

now, after the xm is over....i have another task to do, that is to finish my 2500 words essay which was quite bizzarre and crapts...learning medic here at melbourne, i took two is the integration of all science subjects (anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pathology, histology etc) and another subject about human psychology of which i don't really like the subject...

it is not because i hate the lecturer but i dislike the subject actually which was full of crapt things, too many things that are against Islam and their perception is too narrow and exclusive...they don't regard religious point of view in medicine..

ok..that's for now

Sunday, September 12, 2004


akhirnya, dapat juga nak posting kat blogger nih....

before this, it seems to me i can't post anything on the, what shall i say first?..hmm, too many things to talk actually in the past week that was quite hectic indeed...and the coming week which is the climax of this semester ;)

guees what, i have mid sem xm on this tuesday, and next monday, the dateline for 2500 words essay of which i have not finish yet :(...speaking of xm, i have to cover 8 weeks and i have only cover two weeks full of biochemistry in a day, and left with another 6 weeks to learns before this coming tuesday..

gosh, i better studied now...i will write more later, perhaps after tuesday probably

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

dawuds wharnsby ali - what did I do today..

Oh the moon has come
The day is doneThe night has covered up the sun.
I have stood so often before you to pray
But I wonder Allah, tell me, what did I do today?
Did I remember the words of Al-Fatiha?
Did I take time to thank you for all that I have?
Did I call on you to guide my way?
Tell me, what did I do today?
I has whispered to you
As I made ruku
Subhana Rabiy'yal adheem.
But was my faithBright or grey?
Oh Allah, tell me, what did I do today?
Did I smile at my brother?Was I kind to my mother?
Did I teach another something that I know
Or did my love of this world lead me astray?
Tell me, what did I do today?
Sami Allah hu liman hamida
Rabanna lakal hamd.
Sami Allah hu liman hamida
Rabanna lakal hamd.
La illaha il Allah.
La illaha il Allah.
Though I've bowed to you
with my face in the dust,
subhana raby'yal a'la
Did I turn to youAnd did I obey?
Oh Allah, tell me, what did I do today?
Did I use my mind?
Did I use my time?
If I search my heart what will I find?
The light of your guidance is a glimmering ray,
Tell me, what did I do toady?
Oh Allah, tell me, what did I do today?

p/s: one of my favourite song that always remind me my responsibility as a Muslim

Sunday, September 05, 2004

erti kebahagiaan...

sesungguhnya kebahagiaan itu ialah anda hidup,
untuk pemikiran yang benar dan kukuh,
untuk akidah terbesar yang menyelesaikan,
permasalahan alam yang lampau,
persoalan yang disoal oleh orang yang tertanya-tanya,
semasa mereka sedar dan cerdik boleh berfikir,
dari manakah aku datang? ke manakah aku hendak pergi?
kenapa aku dijadikan? adakah aku hidup kembali?

lalu bersinarlah keyakinan di dalam jiwa,
terusir segala keraguan yang degil,
terdidiklah fikiran yang waras,
terciptalah akhlak yang mulia,
dan kembalilah setiap akal yang menyeleweng kepada jalan yang benar dan lurus,
hidupmu akan dikurniakan nilai,
oleh Tuhanmu agar hidupmu terbina,
supaya matamu memandang di segala ufuk,
ke arah cita-cita yang tinggi,
lalu hiduplah kamu di dunia untuk akhirat,

di sanalah kamu hidup kekal dan tidak fana',
kau tudung bumimu dengan langit,
dan para malaikat menjadi saksi,
itulah akidah Islam untuk muslim yang bahagia,
itulah asas, itulah tiang serinya,
sesiapa yang hidup memikulnya sambil memekik,
dengan namanya; dialah orang yang berbahagia...

-Dr Yusuf Al-Qardhawi-

p/s: hayatilah maksud puisi ini dan carilah kebahagiaan yang sejati buat menemani hati

Thursday, September 02, 2004

anatomy prac...

today, another anatomy practical started for the first time this semester after having to endure those arduous anatomy lectures...sometimes, i wonder if i ever can leanred all those weird anatomical terms (fascia, rami, ilioinguinal, hypogastric, coeliac, retroperitoneal, intraperitoneal, lumbar, sacral, plexus...and the long list of which i still haven't understood yet)...

prior to the prac, we had a briefing given by a surgeon and he showed to all of us live video of patients having hernia (protrusion of stomach content via the skin or muscle)..and to my amazement, there were still some people giggling and laughing when saw those vidoes (i wonder what they will do if they had those disease?)..some of the videos was quite gruelsome..just can't imagine your testis / scrotum being filled up with lots of fluid and become some sort like a big balloon..ouch!

then, it was time for us to dissect those cadevers..we got a 90-year old female cadaever and we dissected the anterior abdominal wall (meaning the stomach and all those related organs) my amazement, we found lots of yellow squeamish fatty layers below the skin...

some of us even called those fat as butters (this is the culture of medicine...talking about food when dissecting cadaever)..which lead to some girls there feeling a bit nausea *wink*...and the rest are history..continue to dissect layers by layers until we found those small intestine... to study for 2500 words essay now..

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

diabetes type I and II

today, i pay another visit to Austin Hospital but today's visit was quite different. we were given chances to interview diabetic patients Type I and Type II. for your information, there are many types of diabetes and for type I it is juvenile onset (means that it start to occur during childhood) and for type II, it is adult onset.

it was quite an enriching experience to hear the suffering of those diabetic patient in comparison from what i have learned from lectures about this disease.

our first patient was a 17-year-old girl who was diagnosed as diabetes type I since she was 15 years-old. from what we heard, i found out that she was quite compliant with the treatment despite having to go through bereavement and denial period previously. at first, she blame everyone for her disease (denial) but later, she managed to cope with the diabetes although in some part of her life, she still struggling to maintain 'normal' relationship with others.

we were also given chances to see the devices for treating diabetic patients which was kind of cute despite its curative function. the insulin device was in the form disposable pen which was a large step in giving maximum comfort to the diabetic patient (do u know that last time, the diabetic patients have to endure through all those big needles and syringes!)

our next patient was a 80-year old man who was diagnosed having diabetes type II 5-6 years ago. he was quite thin person although it is often that diabetes type II person was obese. later, we found out that he catch the diabetes due to his genetic predisposition as many of his family members had the same disease. in comparison to type I which was believed to be autoimmune (means that it suddenly occur), type II was more towards genetic code...

he is also one that quite compliant with the treatment and he was happy with his current condition. he was already suspicious of his condition when he was diagnosed last time as many of his family members already had the same disease.

all in all, today's visit to the hospital quite informative and reinforcing what we learned from the lectures.
