Last week was my turn to be in the labour ward. Every student is allocated one week to do the delivery. We are required to get at least 7 deliveries in any mode, vaginal delivery or caesarean.
Alhamdulillah, I managed to observe a lot of deliveries. In one week, I managed to observe 5 caesareans, 3 vacuum-assisted vaginal delivery and assisted in 5 natural vaginal deliveries. I'm still not an expert in labour but I guess that I might be able to help if someone is going to deliver a baby somewhere in the future .
Pregnancy is a risky condition. In one week, there were 2 fetal deaths in-utero, 1 neonatal death, few prolonged second stage of labour and I saw one patient with pre-eclampsia.
Second stage of labour refers to the period from the full dilatation of cervix to the delivery of the baby. This stage should not be too long as it can lead to fetal distress.
There were times when I'm happy to see the babies and there were times when it was sad to hear the news of stillbirth. Overall, you have to be prepared for any potential complication from labour.
Last week was exciting yet I was pretty exhausted at the end of the week. It was a memorable experience and I wish that I could deliver more babies.
Alhamdulillah, I managed to observe a lot of deliveries. In one week, I managed to observe 5 caesareans, 3 vacuum-assisted vaginal delivery and assisted in 5 natural vaginal deliveries. I'm still not an expert in labour but I guess that I might be able to help if someone is going to deliver a baby somewhere in the future .
Pregnancy is a risky condition. In one week, there were 2 fetal deaths in-utero, 1 neonatal death, few prolonged second stage of labour and I saw one patient with pre-eclampsia.
Second stage of labour refers to the period from the full dilatation of cervix to the delivery of the baby. This stage should not be too long as it can lead to fetal distress.
There were times when I'm happy to see the babies and there were times when it was sad to hear the news of stillbirth. Overall, you have to be prepared for any potential complication from labour.
Last week was exciting yet I was pretty exhausted at the end of the week. It was a memorable experience and I wish that I could deliver more babies.