
Wednesday, November 10, 2004

two down... three more to go

today, I had OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) which I had to interview simulated patient within 9 minute and the whole process worth 20% of mark. Just imagine that all your 20% gone within 9 minutes... roughly 2.22% mark per minute...unbelievable but that what it takes to be a doctor...

so, how my interview today? hmm, within 9 minutes, I'm able to ask limited questions...when the patient start to give her opening statement, I foolishly jump straight to conclusion that she is having GERD or acid reflux, or most likely due to hiatus hernia...

thus, throughout the interview , I asked several questions related to those symptom of acid reflux...but to my surprise after the interview is over, when the examiner and the patient gave their feedback to me, they said that I was not able to elicit the patient main concern which was bulimia... sad indeed, it was not GERD after all,

the examiner also told me that I had several weaknesses especially my language which was quite poor indeed...speaking of language, tomorrow I had another paper on ethics and biostatistics to which half of the paper need excellent expression of language to do well on those paper...

seems tomorrow going to be another gloomy day for, that made me worried...

with poor English as my main instrument to answer tomorrow paper, what else I can hope for now... hopefully, I can do well in biostatistics and hopefully, it can cover up my marks on ethics, if God will...


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